Please note: This warranty procedure is only for Registered Service Dealers. If you are an end user and you have a problem with your Honda-powered product, please take it to a local Registered Service Dealer and they will be pleased to serve you. Use our Dealer Locator to find your closest Honda RSD in Ontario.
Warranty Procedures for Honda Registered Service Dealers
- Registered Service Dealers should be aware that Honda offers global warranty coverage for Honda engines as stand-alone or as a component on a Non-Honda manufactured product. Due to the global warranty, there are engines in Canada that originate from other markets.
- A customer should never be refused Warranty or non-Warranty repair work on a Honda engine because it originated from another country.
How to Submit a Honda Warranty Parts & Labour Claim
- The following information provides instructions on how to submit a Honda warranty claim, downloadable claim forms, and general items that are not covered under warranty.
- Standard warranty on most general purpose Honda engines is 3 years for engines purchased after July 31, 2011. Engines purchased prior to August 1, 2011 carry a 2-year warranty.
- Find out what is covered by reading the Honda Distributor’s Warranty Form.
- Make sure there are NO signs of poor/improper maintenance, low oil, expired oil, or human error.
- Fill out the Honda Engines Warranty Claim Form in full. All fields must be completed or the warranty cannot be processed.
- Please email the completed form to to be processed for credit. Credits will be issued on your account after a minimum of 10 business days following receipt of the completed claim form and other required information. This process may take longer, depending on the nature of the claim and/or the quality of information received with the claim.
- Retain a copy of the bill of sale for any unit that comes in for warranty service repair.
- Hold & tag any replaced parts for a minimum of 6 months after receiving your warranty credit. Any requests for return of parts that cannot be fulfilled will result in a reversal of the warranty credit.
In Case of Full Seizure, Possible Engine Replacement or Intensive Labour Claim
- If you think the unit is in need of replacement or the repair cost will outweigh the replacement cost, you must fill out the Honda General Purpose Engine Failure Analysis for pre-approval.
- Honda will need detailed and CLEAR photos of the damage & other components of the engine before they can consider the engine for approval.
Universally Denied Claims
- Dealers should be aware of general items that are not covered by Honda's global warranty policy. Please ensure that customers are well informed about items not covered under warranty, and how to properly take care of their units to ensure optimal performance.
- Carburetors are considered a "wear & tear" item and are usually not covered
- Insufficient lubrication is not a manufacturer’s defect and usually leads to a rejected claim
- Overheating of pistons (due to a lack of lubrication) usually indicates poor ventilation or dirt ingestion through the filter. These claims are usually denied.
- Unidentified Defect – it is important when making a claim to know what caused the initial problem; if the defect is not determined, the repair cannot be approved
- For any additional questions or concerns, please contact us by email or phone.
Please note: The warranty claim process cannot begin before receipt of the information outlined above.